Monday, July 9, 2007

Jerusalem, Jerusalem

What a day it has been. Wonderful, crazy, bizarre, tough and exciting all in one day!
Waking up here in this beautiful place and saying morning prayer in the garden as the sun got warmer on my back - lovely.
Standing looking out over a city which is so significant to so many people over so many years - wonderful.
Walking on paving stones from the first century (CE) - amazing.
Seeing the conflicting interests in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (the possible sight of the Crucifixion and Burial / Resurrection of Jesus Christ) - bizarre.
But feeling the unavoidable sense of the whole place being full of prayer and of God who will not be shut out by our pain and divisions - awesome.
Walking through narrow streets where in one place trinkets and tat are being sold and in another shirts and toilet paper - crazy and exciting.
Not getting lost and managing to catch the right bus home !!!! (thanks Rosemary!) - truly incredible!!
Missing my special, gorgeous family so much and knowing that they are missing me - truly, truly tough. (The photos of me on this site are not because I like having my photo taken - believe me! They are so that my lovely children can see where their mummy is and what she is doing.)

But more than all of this - learning tonight a little about what makes this amazing land tick! Too much to blog about tonight, but more soon. Just to say that it really all does seem to be about Memory and Experience. I kind of took a guess when I chose a title for this blog. Tonight I had it confirmed that it was not just a guess! More about this later.

Enjoy the pictures. Love to all those who care and for whom I care about so much.


Anonymous said...

I really like your blog so far. It really looks good and I like the pictures. They make me think of you.
Lots of love,

Peter said...

Really glad to know that the journey is worth while. It will be interesting to see how the past and present interact - do they roll into one or are they held in tension or...